Teen Dating
Violence Prevention
Teen dating violence is a pattern of controlling or abusive behaviors perpetrated by a current or former dating partner. Dating violence and sexual assault disproportionately affect teens and young adults, with abusers from any gender. Each year, hundreds of thousands of young people experience dating abuse, sexual assault, and stalking.
Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships
One out of three teenagers reports being in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. Dating violence can have long-term consequences for teens. While some jealousy can be normal in a relationship, irrational jealousy, constant put-downs, monitoring of social media and technology, and physical abuse are signs of an unhealthy relationship. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship and healthy love.
YWCA Pierce County Support
YWCA Pierce County is here to help teens and young adults understand these behaviors and create a plan to ensure their safety in a relationship.
Talk to YWCA's Youth Advocate
For more information or support, contact our Youth Advocate at:
Phone: 253-272-4181 ext. 269
Email: youthadvocate@ywcapiercecounty.org
YWCA Services Available for Teen Clients
All YWCA resources and programs are available to all clients, but the following resources are particularly geared towards teen clients.

Children’s Program
The YWCA Children’s Program directly addresses the multiple impacts of experiencing or witnessing domestic violence on children and teens. Services include respite care, individual or parent/child therapy, therapeutic and skill-building groups, and connections to other community resources.
Community Advocate Resource Center
Community advocate support is available in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm and by phone Monday-Friday from 9am to 3pm, as advocates are available. Advocates discuss options specific to each person’s situation through safety planning, resource information, and referrals. This is the only service that does not require an initial phone call or intake interview.
Legal Services
Our legal team provides free legal assistance for various circumstances, including protection orders, civil legal counsel, and criminal advocacy for survivors of domestic violence throughout greater Pierce County.

Community Education
Understanding the root causes of domestic violence and the components of healthy relationships is the goal of our education program. We provide information on Teen Dating Violence Prevention to local schools and community groups, as well as basic information on domestic violence and the power and control dynamics that fuel abusive relationships.
Learn about teen dating violence prevention with YWCA Pierce County. Understand the signs of unhealthy relationships and get resources for teens experiencing dating violence. Our services include community advocate support, legal assistance, children’s programming, and community education. Contact our Youth Advocate at 253-272-4181 ext. 269 for more information or support.